The event, hosted by Fred MacAulay, was once again a grand celebration of Fife’s diverse and successful business community with the variety of entrants showcasing the area’s broad range of business prowess.
The awards attracted an extremely high quality of entries with thirty three companies from across the region shortlisted by the judging panels. The panels were made up of experts from within the Fife business community who then received presentations from each shortlisted business before deciding upon the winners.
The 11 category winners were also joined by Score Europe who were awarded the Outstanding Business Achievement award.Stephen Doran, Chairman of the Fife Economy Partnership, said: “We were overwhelmed by the response to the awards with a record number of entries. The judges had a tough task selecting winners for each of the eleven categories, but what this shows is that Fife has much to be proud of, with so many businesses each playing an important role in the local economy.”
Fife Chamber President John Silcock said: “I would like to congratulate everyone who entered not just the finalists and winners. The Chamber is proud to be associated with such outstanding companies. These awards recognise the range and quality of businesses that we are fortunate to have here in Fife. The event would also not have been possible without the support of our sponsors and I would like to thank them for their commitment to this event and we look forward to seeing you all again at the next Fife Business Awards!”.
Delivered on behalf of the Fife Economy Partnership and held every two years the Awards provide an opportunity for local businesses to demonstrate excellence and gain widespread recognition for their achievements. The event showcased outstanding examples of how the business community is driving forward the local economy.
Businesses of all sizes and sectors were invited to submit applications to one or more of the following categories: Most Enterprising Start-up Company, Success through Sustainability, Tourism Award, Best Business & Education Partnership, Best Performing Business (under 50 employees), Best Performing Business (over 50 employees), A Workforce for the Future, Excellence in Customer Services, Create in Fife Award, Success Through Innovation and Export Achievement of the Year.